Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blog Challenge: Where Do You Consistently Find Inspiration?

Blog Challenge: Where Do You Consistently Find Inspiration?
In response to a post on Pennwriters Area 6 HQ on Inspiration and Dedication: Creative Resources, I wrote: …And yet, I find incredible inspiration in the little things, the things that inspired writers for thousands of years. A moment shared. A conversation overheard. A glance down a new street. A journey. A unroutine routine event. A [...]

In response to a post on Pennwriters Area 6 HQ on Inspiration and Dedication: Creative Resources, I wrote:

…And yet, I find incredible inspiration in the little things, the things that inspired writers for thousands of years. A moment shared. A conversation overheard. A glance down a new street. A journey. A unroutine routine event. A friend. A family member. The littlest of things can be inspiration for writing. You never know where the next moment will come from, so you have to keep yourself open - and always carry a notebook so the moment won’t be lost. :D

Inspiration for a blog post can come from anywhere. Where do yours come from? Do they come out of the blue, or are they inspired by consistent “moments” and experiences?

I get a lot of blog story ideas from every blog conference and social event I attend. I meet so many wonderful people from all over the world and hear their stories, which inspire mine. For me, these are a never-ending source of blog content ideas.

I also find consistent story ideas and inspiration in the bathroom, as well as just before I fall asleep. I keep notepads in those places for when those gifts of insight happen and quickly jot them down. Memory can be so fleeting.

Your blog challenge is:

Blog about where you find your inspiration to blog.

Share the tips and techniques you use to inspire blog posts. In this blog challenge, I don’t want you to tell the back story of a specific blog post, but the techniques you use in general to keep the river flowing on your blog.

These blogging challenges are published weekly and are an attempt to kick your blogging ass. They serve to challenge your thinking and efforts in blogging and blog writing. To participate, start challenging yourself now. Today. Go for it.

Past Blog Challenges

Site Search Tags: blog challenge, blogging challenge, blog writing, writing, inspiration, motivation, how do you blog, blog inspiration, how to you write, where do you find your inspiration, finding inspiration

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

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